Monday, May 18, 2009

Federal debt is skyrocketing, Detroit is crumbling, Russia and China’s military are surging, and somewhere Osama bin Laden is smiling.

Whatever happened to being proud to be an American? Well it looks like it was shot in the heart during the congressional elections in 2006, and the death certificate was issued in November 2008. Obama is telling other countries we are to blame (for what?), and he wants to appease and apologize to our enemies as well as allies. The members who sit on the Obama Politburo, Pelosi, Reid, Kerry, Kennedy, Frank, Waters (well just take your pick of any Democratic member of Congress), are setting us on the path of socialism. The far left, communists, socialist, hard core liberals have been expanding their power within the Democratic Party for years and now they have the monopoly; so why don’t they just call it what it is the American Socialist Party?

Obama Politburo in its first 100 days has successfully increased the federal deficit twofold, with his massive pork barrel programs which will fail like FDR’s New Deal (which is going bankrupt) and LBJ’s Great Society, need I say more? Obama has forced the CEO of General Motors to step down, siding with the UAW so as not to allow the auto companies to void the union contracts which got them into the mess in the first place. Which subsequently forces GM and Chrysler to file bankruptcy; having to cut their businesses by a third causing the unemployment of 30,000 to 100,000 more people in dealerships across the country which does not have protection from the UAW. So what about their jobs? Obama doesn’t care the middle class does not have lobbyists fighting for them, but the UAW does.

It is reported that Russia is having a military surge and China is expanding their already formidable military. While the USA has over 700 military bases around the world and is looked on by the United Nations as their supplier of funding and troops that will actually fight! We need to shut down our bases overseas and bring all those troops home. Keep fighting the war in Afghanistan and looks like Pakistan now too, and strengthen our defenses. We need to go back to being a country of defense, not offense.

When the troops come home we need them to help secure our border with Mexico. The illegal immigration problem is a ghastly expense to the taxpayer and it needs to be stopped. Most major cities do not enforce laws against legal immigration, because the liberals say it is not “politically correct” and forces the police chiefs to go along with their ridiculous ideology. This is a travesty to our system of laws and needs to stop.

We are told it is unfair to torture terrorists, but where is the outrage when they kill innocent American civilians, decapitate American journalists, and threaten to destroy our way of life?
Nancy Pelosi states the CIA lies repeatedly to Congress, but is being caught only in her own lies.

Wake up America and see that the Democratic Party is only taking away your freedoms, going to tax this country into oblivion and destroy our Republic. Rome fell because of costly taxes, and trying to hold a world empire, don’t let America go the way of Rome!

Osama bin Laden is smiling somewhere