Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Grassroots Conservatism

I will be returning in December to the very liberal Boulder. The goal for my return is to start formulating a grassroots conservative campaign. Have spoken with a few conservative friends who will assist me and will be joining the Colorado Federation of Young Republicans. The “silent majority” should be silent no more. We need to fight to win.

American Conservatism has been ridiculed and beat down by the “mainstream” media. It is now time to move forward into the 21st century with new tactics to get the word out. The liberals garnered a majority by specifically targeting on the fence conservative districts, and winning. This brought the fight to our back door. It is time we take the fight to theirs. I believe getting the youth vote is an important step in that direction. By targeting universities and the internet, mainly the youth websites Myspace, Facebook, etc., is a step we must take. These are truly very liberal bastions of security for the Democratic Party.

Let's show them what freedom is all about. When the framers of our constitution convened to come up with that beautiful doctrine of liberty, they would be disappointed at how the left has twisted and taken away many of our freedoms. Many examples can be brought forward. The First Amendment is trampled on everytime someone brings up the mantra of “political correctness”. This is a form of silencing our freedom of speech. The Second Amendment clearly states our right to bear arms “shall not be infringed”. How can that be so misinterpreted by the left? They have slowly been taking our freedoms away. This is just a few examples of hundreds of things the liberals have done to take away our rights as citizens of this once great country. It will only get worse the longer the far left have control of our government. The framers were influenced greatly by the 18th century French political scientist Charles de Montesquieu. He believed that liberty is essential to happiness and must be preserved by limiting the powers of government. This is a truth we need to stand by.

I will fight in one of the most liberal areas in the western region. I will be ridiculed, and ostracized, but I will keep on fighting. The more I talk the more people will listen. It will be a long battle, but I refuse to give up for what I know is right. Join with me and other like minded and fight in your local districts for the true conservative change which this country needs. By standing together we will prevail.

God be with us all!

Check out this website for ideas of how to bring our agenda forward.

1 comment:

DJohn said...

Amen to that. We need to make sure that people realize that "Republican" and "Conservative" don't necessarily mean the same thing. the GOP might have some rebuilding to do but the Conservative Movement is alive and well. Obama ran on conservative priciples..and won. What does that tell us? This country is STILL Center Right!