Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Come One, Come All, Illegally That Is!

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Wednesday that America's "insatiable" demand for illegal drugs and inability to stop weapons smuggling into Mexico are fueling an alarming spike in violence along the U.S.-Mexican border". Also on Tuesday Obama said that he wanted the U.S. to do more to prevent guns and cash from illicit drug sales from flowing across the border into Mexico.

So they say the border should be more secure against drugs and guns. Well what about the people who bring those drugs and guns here to the U.S.? That's right folks the illegal aliens; when are we going to crack down on them crossing the border? When are we going to stop the tidal wave and send them back south? The illegals come here, take jobs (most live off the state) don't want to learn English, and get a free pass from the government. Now some states even allow them to get grant money for college! When is this blatant disregard for our laws going to end?

The current administration is a joke and is failing measurably to curtail any of this. Nancy Pelosi stated to her constituents “that breaking into this country made them heroes, patriots, and any attempt to try to enforce the law was anti-American” . She is our Speaker of the House! This is down right a slap in the face to hard working middle class Americans. Stand up and fight back my friends; that is the only way to beat the far left in our government. Speak up, often and loudly, never cease!

Let's get tough on this migration through our un-secure border! Enough is Enough!

God be with us all,

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