Saturday, November 29, 2008

Conservatives Wake Up!

I'll tell you what most people are so mis-informed it is crazy. Alot of it has to do with perception and the way the Dems run their campaign.

Here is a case in point. I have just recently decided to move back to CO from MI. A few months back I left a message at the the local Young Republican office in the area I lived in MI offering to volunteer with anything they would need. Never got a response. Two weeks before I left for CO, called and left a message at the local Young Republican chapter and left the same message. As of today no response. I did the same thing with the Dems just to see what would happen. They both got back to me within 24 hours! This is a huge problem.

The Republicans need to enlist those who want to help them. Our whole party needs to be revamped and we need to start now! The 2010 congressional elections are just as, if not more, important. If the Dems pick up more seats we are in serious trouble. So what do we do?

The Democrats are radicals. Well this last election made me a radical too. I idly sat by for years, now I will sit no longer. I'm going to the Young Republican chapter in Colorado next week and will break the damn door down if I have too. We need to get the word out beginning now!

The media is for the most part against us. The youth doesn't listen to AM radio with Limbaugh, Hannity, etc. What do they look at? Well besides MTV, they are on the internet Myspace, Facebook etc. They are in college campuses dotted across the country. I will use this forum to get out the word online. I live in Boulder County not far from Boulder proper and the University of Colorado is centered there. It is so liberal they call it the "Berkley of the mountains". Well I will recruit kids in the college to help get the word out. I will be ridiculed and ostracized, but I will fight.

I know the Republicans in this area aren't doing shit. The Democrats are constantly protesting,complaining and getting their voices heard. We need to constantly talk and let our voices be heard as well.

When I get settled better here I will be able to formulate some guidelines of ideas to help move forward. As of now would just appreciate any ideas you may have to help get the word out. I am an intelligent man, but I need the input of other minds to formulate a winning strategy. Apart we are weak, together we are strong!

God be with us all,


DJohn said...

Sadly, the same thing can be found all over. There is an internal battle going on inside the GOP right now for who will control the party for the future. some believe we should walk away from the social issues and the Christian Right. That would be disastrous. I don't know how this is going to end but my concern is that while we sort this out our opponents are diggin in and getting more and more powerful.

Tom H said...

I agree. The public has allowed themselves to become to become so misinformed it is no longer funny.

Many people who voted for Barack H Obama do not know the names of the Senate Majority leader or the Speaker of the House, both of whom are obviously important figures for the Democratic party. These people did, however, know that Sarah Palin's daughter is pregnant as a teenager.
Misinformed? I think so.

Great blog btw. Please follow mine as well:


zombie_slayer829 said...

I disagree... Go to this Blog to see real politics.