Saturday, November 29, 2008

Conservatives Wake Up!

I'll tell you what most people are so mis-informed it is crazy. Alot of it has to do with perception and the way the Dems run their campaign.

Here is a case in point. I have just recently decided to move back to CO from MI. A few months back I left a message at the the local Young Republican office in the area I lived in MI offering to volunteer with anything they would need. Never got a response. Two weeks before I left for CO, called and left a message at the local Young Republican chapter and left the same message. As of today no response. I did the same thing with the Dems just to see what would happen. They both got back to me within 24 hours! This is a huge problem.

The Republicans need to enlist those who want to help them. Our whole party needs to be revamped and we need to start now! The 2010 congressional elections are just as, if not more, important. If the Dems pick up more seats we are in serious trouble. So what do we do?

The Democrats are radicals. Well this last election made me a radical too. I idly sat by for years, now I will sit no longer. I'm going to the Young Republican chapter in Colorado next week and will break the damn door down if I have too. We need to get the word out beginning now!

The media is for the most part against us. The youth doesn't listen to AM radio with Limbaugh, Hannity, etc. What do they look at? Well besides MTV, they are on the internet Myspace, Facebook etc. They are in college campuses dotted across the country. I will use this forum to get out the word online. I live in Boulder County not far from Boulder proper and the University of Colorado is centered there. It is so liberal they call it the "Berkley of the mountains". Well I will recruit kids in the college to help get the word out. I will be ridiculed and ostracized, but I will fight.

I know the Republicans in this area aren't doing shit. The Democrats are constantly protesting,complaining and getting their voices heard. We need to constantly talk and let our voices be heard as well.

When I get settled better here I will be able to formulate some guidelines of ideas to help move forward. As of now would just appreciate any ideas you may have to help get the word out. I am an intelligent man, but I need the input of other minds to formulate a winning strategy. Apart we are weak, together we are strong!

God be with us all,

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Grassroots Conservatism

I will be returning in December to the very liberal Boulder. The goal for my return is to start formulating a grassroots conservative campaign. Have spoken with a few conservative friends who will assist me and will be joining the Colorado Federation of Young Republicans. The “silent majority” should be silent no more. We need to fight to win.

American Conservatism has been ridiculed and beat down by the “mainstream” media. It is now time to move forward into the 21st century with new tactics to get the word out. The liberals garnered a majority by specifically targeting on the fence conservative districts, and winning. This brought the fight to our back door. It is time we take the fight to theirs. I believe getting the youth vote is an important step in that direction. By targeting universities and the internet, mainly the youth websites Myspace, Facebook, etc., is a step we must take. These are truly very liberal bastions of security for the Democratic Party.

Let's show them what freedom is all about. When the framers of our constitution convened to come up with that beautiful doctrine of liberty, they would be disappointed at how the left has twisted and taken away many of our freedoms. Many examples can be brought forward. The First Amendment is trampled on everytime someone brings up the mantra of “political correctness”. This is a form of silencing our freedom of speech. The Second Amendment clearly states our right to bear arms “shall not be infringed”. How can that be so misinterpreted by the left? They have slowly been taking our freedoms away. This is just a few examples of hundreds of things the liberals have done to take away our rights as citizens of this once great country. It will only get worse the longer the far left have control of our government. The framers were influenced greatly by the 18th century French political scientist Charles de Montesquieu. He believed that liberty is essential to happiness and must be preserved by limiting the powers of government. This is a truth we need to stand by.

I will fight in one of the most liberal areas in the western region. I will be ridiculed, and ostracized, but I will keep on fighting. The more I talk the more people will listen. It will be a long battle, but I refuse to give up for what I know is right. Join with me and other like minded and fight in your local districts for the true conservative change which this country needs. By standing together we will prevail.

God be with us all!

Check out this website for ideas of how to bring our agenda forward.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Where Have All The Conservatives Gone?

In 1994 the conservative movement gained tremendous momentum and retook the majority in the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years. Led by congressman Newt Gingrich, the conservatives released a document titled “Contract with America”. The contract was revolutionary in its commitment to offering specific legislation for a vote, describing in detail the precise plan of the Congressional Representatives. Furthermore, its provisions represented the view of many conservative Republicans on the issues of shrinking the size of government, promoting lower taxes, greater entrepreneurial activity, welfare and balancing the federal budget. Republicans thus were able to retake the House and the contract was seen as a major triumph for the American conservative movement. So much could have been accomplished (somethings were), but of course Clinton vetoed most of what was put forth by the Republicans and we were not strong enough, at that time, to override an executive veto.

A couple years later Newt Gingrich was out and the Republicans took the reigns in congress and set aside true conservatism. The federal government expanded at an alarming rate. Barry Goldwater warned us back in the early 1990's that the Republican party was moving away from conservatism. One faction trying hard to appease the Democrats. The other faction moving for pushing Judeo-Christian principles into government and trying to break the separation of church and state. This is a lesson we can learn from and not make this mistake again. So much could have been done and the Republicans destroyed the chance we had.

Flash forward to 2008. The Democrats have re-taken both houses of congress and now we have a socialist who will be president. We have moved farther left then any other time in our history (even more so then in the reign of FDR). The conservative movement has stalled and needs to revitalize it's energies for the fight before us, but who will lead the way?

Now it is time to rebuild and get our agenda straight. Conservatives need a new agenda to be brought out nationwide for the 2010 congressional elections. We should start now coming up with the ideas that need to be put forth for this next coming election. The question being how best to organize and move forward? I believe we need a strong grassroots network with a set agenda we can use in our battle and the leaders that care about conservatism and not more Washington insiders. This will probably be a long fight and we need some real change. Many (not all) Republicans in congress have appeased the Democrats and moved away from our conservative beliefs. We need to rally behind the conservatives left and look for new leaders for the future.

Give me your feedback and let's come up with our agenda for 2010.

We need leaders!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Let The Big Three File Bankruptcy

The Big Three have shot themselves in the foot. Mainly by the fault of the greedy people who work there (executives and unions, you are both to blame). The executive bonuses, for doing what? Helping send the companies down the drain! The union job bank (basically union members still get their wages even if they are not actually working) what a joke! All you are to blame.

The execs needed acountability and the unions need to negotiate and realize they can no longer be paying assembly linemen big wages in a dying industry. The United Auto Workers president Ron Gettelfinger stated today that they will not give up anymore concessions! This is unacceptable and the UAW expect my tax dollars to pay their wages! I'm sure the federal government will ask for concessions from the executives of the Big Three and will get them. So the unions should give concessions as well.

The Japanese, Korean and European carmarkers are only surviving because they don't have the same regulations working against them that the Big 3 have, notably unionization. Let them all declare bankruptcy and kick the un-productive management and union out. Then the strong will survive. We do not need government meddling anymore in paying the wages of private industry. This is ludicrious and not what this country was founded on. The buyouts, the exec bonuses need to all cease now! You want to save your industry with tax dollars!

My father owned his own auto repair shop in Detroit, MI for 20 years and never had any benefits and never made more than 60K a year. He owns a house here in Michigan and a house in Colorado in the mountains (which is where my parents live now and where I grew up) and several investment properties. He never made much and was smart with his money, and that is responsible. If he only had a $100k buyout he could make it into a million in 5 years.

This all comes down to fiscal responsibilty, to which I have noticed in my time here in MI is quite lacking here. Most of you seem to blame all your problems on others, (I ought to know my business has picked up with union workers who are far behind on their taxes).

Take responsibilty for your own actions and move on. Let the Big 3 file bankruptcy and leave my tax dollars out of it.

God be with us all!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Talk Radio "Fairness Doctrine"

The Fairness Doctrine was a policy of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Basically it meant that radio stations had to have equal time for all points of view. It was repealed by the FCC in 1987.

The FCC stated,

"the intrusion by government into the content of programming occasioned by the enforcement of [the Fairness Doctrine] restricts the journalistic freedom of broadcasters ... [and] actually inhibits the presentation of controversial issues of public importance to the detriment of the public and the degradation of the editorial prerogative of broadcast journalists,"

and suggested that, because of the many media voices in the marketplace, the doctrine be deemed unconstitutional.

After the repeal of the doctrine Conservative radio audiences skyrocketed, led by Rush Limbaugh and other conservative talk radio hosts. Radio has been the one area where conservatives can really get their voices heard.

Many high ranking democrats such as house speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senator John Kerry, and Al Gore want to bring back the Fairness Doctrine. Editorials in The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Times have said that Democratic attempts to bring back the Fairness Doctrine have been made largely in response to and contempt for the successes of conservative talk radio.

Most talk radio stations have a conservative format and they make a nice profit. There has been some attempts to make liberal radio talk show stations (Air America) and they have met with little success. Now if the conservative stations have to cut their broadcasting in half to give equal time to liberals then they will more then likely lose money. This is common sense folks. No one says they can't have liberal stations, just don't tell the stations how they have to be formatted.

In the 109th Congress (2005-2007) the Dems had tried to get legislation passed to re-instate the Fairness Doctrine. It did not pass. The worry is what will happen now with the current makeup of congress and with Obama supporting the bill which he would almost certainly sign?

So if they pass this legislation it would only be fair that they should pass Fairness Doctrines in all forms of media. The television news stations would then have to have equal time for Republicans and Democrats. I really don't think the Dem's would do that. I just don't see them wanting to give up their liberal stranglehold on media outlets. The fact is they won't. This is just another way for the liberals to try and silence any opposition.

Get the message out on this very important piece of legislation. They should not try to silence us!

God be with us all!

Monday, November 10, 2008

"What's Good For General Motors Is Good For The Country"

General Motors Corporation was once the largest corporation in the United States. It was also at one time the largest employer in the world. GM has been in existence since 1908 and is an American tradition. Now it is fighting for its life.

In 1980, the year I was born, GM sold 50% of the automobiles in this country. As of the 3rd quarter of 2008 that figure has plummetted to around 20%, falling 45% just the past year. Rising fuel costs, tightening credit, the auto unions, and foreign competition has lead to this downfall.

At this time the biggest problem, besides shrinking sales, is the huge overhead that plagues GM. Alot of this overhead has to do with the employee pensions and wages. I have been living in the Detroit area for the past four months. In this area many employees are offered a buyout by GM. These buyouts for assembly line workers average around $100,000. That is alot of money. Now I have a huge problem with this. Union workers on the assembly line at GM make anywhere from $20-$30 an hour. What is it they do you ask? Most of them sit there or stand there and have one or a few jobs to accomplish repetitively. So you have a guy (or gal) on the line tightening one bolt all day long making $30 an hour. This is a problem. You have a similar employee working for one of the foreign automakers and they make around $10-$15 to do the same job. Why is that? Well it is because most foreign automakers are not unionized.

With healthcare GM's unionized workers do not pay deductibles on their health coverage. Hourly workers only pay 7% of their total healthcare costs, compared to 27 to 32 percent paid by the average U.S. salaried worker.

GM is now burning through about $6 billion dollars a quarter in cash, and only have about $15 billion left. The buyouts and the high union wages need to stop. If they would take a pay reduction to a figure comparative to the foreign non-unionized auto companies, and pay the average in healthcare costs, this in itself would save General Motors from a government bailout.

So you don't think I exonerate the white collar workers of GM. Rick Wagoner current CEO (and all the board of directors) also needs to help and do what Lee Iacocca did when Chrylser was in trouble in the late 1970's and that is take just a $1 a year salary until he can turn GM around. His making millions at this critical time is a disgrace to General Motors. He needs to lead by example.

The white collar workers need a pay reduction until happier times, and the liberalized unions need to step away from the automakers for good and allow them to operate. If they don't then they will be bankrupt or the government (i.e. the taxpayer) will have to bail them out. GM failing, or any of the other Big Three (Ford and Chrysler), would be a huge blow to our society which would destroy the already fragile economy and send Detroit and possibly the whole United States into a depression. Get the unions out and GM would survive, without our taxpayers help!

God be with us all!

"Some have an idea that the reason we in this country discard things so readily is because we have so much. The facts are exactly opposite - the reason we have so much is simply because we discard things so readily. We replace the old in return for something that will serve us better."
-Alfred P. Sloan
GM CEO 1923-1946

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Conservative Politicians Lost, Traditional Values Won

In the recent round of elections conservative politicians lost, but traditional values prevailed. Obama may now be the future president, but on the bright side some good conservative proposals went through. In Florida, California, and Arizona constitutional amendments were ratified that in effect, ban gay marriage. For sure a step in the right direction on one front at least.

There has been and always will be homosexuality. We as a society should not have to be accepting of them wanting to be married in the traditional sense of the word. They need our prayers just like any other sinner, of which we all are. In essence homosexuality is not any worse than any other sin. Accepting homosexuality and saying it is alright to be that way, is what is detrimental to them and ourselves.

Adultery, murder, and, stealing are all sins, but we do not as a society say that it is alright to commit them. So why would we say as a society that homosexuality should be accepted as a non-sinful way of life?

This is a touchy subject for most. So remember I do not want anyone to think that I or anyone reading this should castigate homosexuals unjustly. We need to just treat it like the sin that it is.

God be with us all!

2008 Election

This current election was won by two reasons, race and technology. Obama was voted in because of being black , and a huge majority of blacks voted for him because of that reason (which in itself is racist) , and no other. The youth voted for him because of the mass and very smart move on the Democrats to focus on the internet. Especially on Myspace and Facebook to target us under 30 crowd. Which came out for Obama very strongly.

We like minded, intelligent, conservatives need to start now and fight back with the best way we know how, the internet. Help stand behind me and other like minded to get the true conservative change this country needs.

Today sent an email to my local young Republican Party chapter looking to volunteer whatever free time I can spend. I would insist we all try to do what we can for are part looking forward to the 2010 elections for the house and senate. This will also be very important considering in the next few years more than likely two supreme court judges will probably step down. With the current makeup of the executive and legislative branches being liberal than it will be a shoe in for them to vote in socialist minded justices in the judicial branch. This essentially would give the Dem's all the power they would need to put through just about any policy that they would like.
FDR in the 1930's did not even have that type of power, (when we really started to turn towards the left). He was the president and the legislative branch was darn near in his pocket. When he tried to force out some of the conservative supreme court judges, they went against him and made sure he did not have the power to make anymore New Deal legislation. Thank God for that. But if Obama and Pelosi have that type of power we will have a real battle on our hands.
So please do what needs to be done to save our country from the backward ways of socialism.

God be with us all!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sad Day For Our Country

Today is a sad day to be an American citizen, and I must unfortunately admit to the fact that for the first time in my life I am not proud to be an American.

Do you who have voted for Obama even realize the implications of your actions?

Do you have no clue as to what socialism is?

With an extreme far left liberal socialist, which Obama is, and the far left of Nancy Pelosi and the many other Democrat "goons" in the senate a new day has dawned. This is NOT the change we need. Socialism has never and will never succeed. Look at the USSR, Cuba, and China (which is rapidly moving more towards a totalitarian fascist type government ). Pick up a copy of the "Communist Manifesto" the book that started it all by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, I read this book many years ago and the Utopia that so many desire is only obtainable in heaven. Sorry but that is a fact, hopefully, all of us will experience someday.

Many of you know that I had very much wanted to be a German history professor when I was younger and have quite an impressive collection of German history books focusing mainly on the early 20th century. I have read Hitler's magnum opus "Mein Kempf" a few times and let me inform you that are less inclined to read this very difficult book that for all his shortcomings Hitler was arguably the greatest political genius ever. A passage that has stuck out vividly in my mind (which I used in sales frequently) was Hitler talking about taking a theme (in his case the Jews) and constantly hammering that theme home, without any real explanation why just to keep it all in the minds of people, or in his words the "masses". The mantra of "Change" is the recurring theme of Obama, and he hammers this for all it is worth it is a tad bit scary to me.

The far left in this country now have too much power in their hands. Their are very few moderate democrats anymore. The socialist majority faction of the Dem's will bring the "reforms" which will kill this country as we know it now.

At this time our corporate tax rate is the second highest in the industrialized world. Obama wants to raise the corporate tax rate. Now lets look at this. There are two forms of corporations an S and a C corp, the inherent difference is that a C corporation has to pay an 1120 corporate as well as taxes distributed to employees, of which the owner would be classified an employee as well and would still have to file a 1040 return. An S corporation (of which mine is) is taxed basically like individual income and I can take deductions on payroll, expenses, etc. Now being an S corp. it is very easy to make over $250k a year in gross, with only netting say $50k. Which essentially means that he can raise the tax on individuals (S corps basically being individuals becuase I just file corporate tax and not a 1040), and be hit with a severe tax penalty, to an extent that it could send these businesses into receivership.

So Obama in all his warped ideological wisdom doe's not understand the tax code and that by taxing individuals and corporations that make a certain amount of money that it will inevitably be very detrimental to our country. This will lead to more forced meddling of government in business (socialism).

Obama wants to raise taxes on the higher echelons of society, basically penalizing the successful. This country was not founded to penalize success, but to encourage it.

Now lets look at government sponsored health care for all. Who do you think will fund it? Hello our tax dollars which will be raised significantly. I'm sorry but some bum who chooses to live on the streets who can very well get a job (panhandlers in Boulder ring a bell) and they will be able to have the same coverage health insurance as myself who is working very hard to be successful? That is just not right and I cannot bare to stand for it.

Friedrich Nietzsche (he was a German philosopher of the late 19th century for you liberal goons who don't seem to read and learn) , strongly believed in the survival of the fittest. Now I agree with this to an extent. I also believe that we should take care of the less fortunate, but that it should be the choice of the people and not the government to make that decision. Mississippi which is the poorest state in the union, and also one of the most conservative, send more money per capita of donations to help the needy then any other state. Which means when government stays away from our pocketbook we are more then generous in handing out to the needy.

I know I have probably upset some of you, but it is now time for me to speak up and fight for what is right. I am only one man, but one man can do amazing things, just revert back in history and see. From now on I will not back down or apologize for liberalism it has already gone to far and intend to spend every opportunity I can find in fighting against it. I have steeped myself in understanding all forms of government and socialism has never and will never succeed. Rome was once great and fell, and all subsequent empires have. This maybe the fall of the USA. For this I am ashamed.

When are we going to learn that history inevitably will repeat itself if we do not learn from it's mistakes?

God be with us all,