Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sad Day For Our Country

Today is a sad day to be an American citizen, and I must unfortunately admit to the fact that for the first time in my life I am not proud to be an American.

Do you who have voted for Obama even realize the implications of your actions?

Do you have no clue as to what socialism is?

With an extreme far left liberal socialist, which Obama is, and the far left of Nancy Pelosi and the many other Democrat "goons" in the senate a new day has dawned. This is NOT the change we need. Socialism has never and will never succeed. Look at the USSR, Cuba, and China (which is rapidly moving more towards a totalitarian fascist type government ). Pick up a copy of the "Communist Manifesto" the book that started it all by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, I read this book many years ago and the Utopia that so many desire is only obtainable in heaven. Sorry but that is a fact, hopefully, all of us will experience someday.

Many of you know that I had very much wanted to be a German history professor when I was younger and have quite an impressive collection of German history books focusing mainly on the early 20th century. I have read Hitler's magnum opus "Mein Kempf" a few times and let me inform you that are less inclined to read this very difficult book that for all his shortcomings Hitler was arguably the greatest political genius ever. A passage that has stuck out vividly in my mind (which I used in sales frequently) was Hitler talking about taking a theme (in his case the Jews) and constantly hammering that theme home, without any real explanation why just to keep it all in the minds of people, or in his words the "masses". The mantra of "Change" is the recurring theme of Obama, and he hammers this for all it is worth it is a tad bit scary to me.

The far left in this country now have too much power in their hands. Their are very few moderate democrats anymore. The socialist majority faction of the Dem's will bring the "reforms" which will kill this country as we know it now.

At this time our corporate tax rate is the second highest in the industrialized world. Obama wants to raise the corporate tax rate. Now lets look at this. There are two forms of corporations an S and a C corp, the inherent difference is that a C corporation has to pay an 1120 corporate as well as taxes distributed to employees, of which the owner would be classified an employee as well and would still have to file a 1040 return. An S corporation (of which mine is) is taxed basically like individual income and I can take deductions on payroll, expenses, etc. Now being an S corp. it is very easy to make over $250k a year in gross, with only netting say $50k. Which essentially means that he can raise the tax on individuals (S corps basically being individuals becuase I just file corporate tax and not a 1040), and be hit with a severe tax penalty, to an extent that it could send these businesses into receivership.

So Obama in all his warped ideological wisdom doe's not understand the tax code and that by taxing individuals and corporations that make a certain amount of money that it will inevitably be very detrimental to our country. This will lead to more forced meddling of government in business (socialism).

Obama wants to raise taxes on the higher echelons of society, basically penalizing the successful. This country was not founded to penalize success, but to encourage it.

Now lets look at government sponsored health care for all. Who do you think will fund it? Hello our tax dollars which will be raised significantly. I'm sorry but some bum who chooses to live on the streets who can very well get a job (panhandlers in Boulder ring a bell) and they will be able to have the same coverage health insurance as myself who is working very hard to be successful? That is just not right and I cannot bare to stand for it.

Friedrich Nietzsche (he was a German philosopher of the late 19th century for you liberal goons who don't seem to read and learn) , strongly believed in the survival of the fittest. Now I agree with this to an extent. I also believe that we should take care of the less fortunate, but that it should be the choice of the people and not the government to make that decision. Mississippi which is the poorest state in the union, and also one of the most conservative, send more money per capita of donations to help the needy then any other state. Which means when government stays away from our pocketbook we are more then generous in handing out to the needy.

I know I have probably upset some of you, but it is now time for me to speak up and fight for what is right. I am only one man, but one man can do amazing things, just revert back in history and see. From now on I will not back down or apologize for liberalism it has already gone to far and intend to spend every opportunity I can find in fighting against it. I have steeped myself in understanding all forms of government and socialism has never and will never succeed. Rome was once great and fell, and all subsequent empires have. This maybe the fall of the USA. For this I am ashamed.

When are we going to learn that history inevitably will repeat itself if we do not learn from it's mistakes?

God be with us all,

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