Sunday, November 9, 2008

2008 Election

This current election was won by two reasons, race and technology. Obama was voted in because of being black , and a huge majority of blacks voted for him because of that reason (which in itself is racist) , and no other. The youth voted for him because of the mass and very smart move on the Democrats to focus on the internet. Especially on Myspace and Facebook to target us under 30 crowd. Which came out for Obama very strongly.

We like minded, intelligent, conservatives need to start now and fight back with the best way we know how, the internet. Help stand behind me and other like minded to get the true conservative change this country needs.

Today sent an email to my local young Republican Party chapter looking to volunteer whatever free time I can spend. I would insist we all try to do what we can for are part looking forward to the 2010 elections for the house and senate. This will also be very important considering in the next few years more than likely two supreme court judges will probably step down. With the current makeup of the executive and legislative branches being liberal than it will be a shoe in for them to vote in socialist minded justices in the judicial branch. This essentially would give the Dem's all the power they would need to put through just about any policy that they would like.
FDR in the 1930's did not even have that type of power, (when we really started to turn towards the left). He was the president and the legislative branch was darn near in his pocket. When he tried to force out some of the conservative supreme court judges, they went against him and made sure he did not have the power to make anymore New Deal legislation. Thank God for that. But if Obama and Pelosi have that type of power we will have a real battle on our hands.
So please do what needs to be done to save our country from the backward ways of socialism.

God be with us all!

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